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6 Weight loss tips they don't tell you about

10 April 2020|Lifestyle

The internet is filled with advice and tips on how to lose weight, and there have been quite a few diet books in recent years aimed at helping people with weight loss.

However, there are still misconceptions that many people make, leading them to often go astray and ultimately get stuck.

In this article, we discuss 6 tips that assist with weight loss but are not discussed enough.

    1. There's No Good or Bad Food

    Most people prefer to know if something is good or bad. It makes it much easier to determine whether you "can or cannot eat" something.

    However, it's a significant misconception to think that something is inherently good or bad when it comes to food. Certain foods are certainly healthier than others, but occasionally consuming something less nutritious will not have a negative impact on your weight or health.

    It's good to set some rules for yourself about what you want to eat or avoid, but it doesn't always have to be 100% healthy.

    Ultimately, it's about your overall eating pattern. As long as you are aware of what you consume and have control over your daily intake, it's okay to indulge in something that doesn't fit into the "healthy" category.

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    2. It's Not Black and White

    This is a common issue that ties into our previous point. When you are too strict with yourself and start thinking in terms of right or wrong, there's a good chance you'll eventually have thoughts like "it's all pointless" or "I've messed it up now."

    Again, remember that indulging occasionally has no impact on the bigger picture. Enjoy it and get back on track the next day by making the right choices and simply compensating for this minor setback.

    It doesn't have to be all or nothing. If you can't enjoy something tasty anymore or strive for the perfect diet, the likelihood of relapse or giving up is high. It's time to take a step back.

    3. You Don't Have to Change Everything

    One of the biggest mistakes people make is trying to change everything at once. There are exceptions, but for the majority, it's not feasible to completely overhaul their lifestyle in one go.

    Therefore, make small, gradual adjustments to your diet and daily routine. It's precisely those small changes in your life that lead to lasting results.

    The smaller the adjustment, the less resistance, and the greater the chance you can actually stick to it.

    4. If It Seems Too Good to Be True, It Probably Is

    Whether it's days of detoxing, exotic juice cleanses, or amazing superfoods that promise to shed many kilos in a very short time.

    If something sounds too extreme or you deep down feel it's too good to be true, it likely is.

    No matter how fantastic something sounds, don't fall into this trap and protect yourself from the illusion that it's easy. This prevents you from losing motivation and ultimately disappointing yourself again.

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